Explore cartonboard
You have good reasons to explore cartonboard. As a packaging designer, you use this material every day. It’s strong, versatile, shapeable, climate-smart – and can be made to look just as appealing as you wish. You want to know what it can do to support your designs. You want to discover the full scope of possibilities the material opens up for you, just as you need to know what its limitations are.

Go for high shelf impact
Consumers make their buying decisions in fractions of a second. It’s a packaging designer’s job to help them make the right choice. You have to be in command of the little things that make the difference. The visual signals that make a pack stand out on the shelf. The whiteness and brightness. The pretty things, the shiny patches, the colourful graphics, the interesting shapes and surprising eye-catchers that make the shoppers reach out and grab this pack and no other.
Check out the cool effects and techniques we have used on our demo packaging. On this website you will get to know the strengths and benefits of our cartonboards, and the possibilities they offer. And it’s full of inspiration for you. Lots of stuff that you can add to your own bag of tricks!