Imagine what we can do for you

Our Cartonboard Development Team has the creativity to help make your packaging stand out on the shelf. And the experience and technology to make it sturdy, lightweight, cost effective and sustainable. After more than 3000 custom packaging projects, we know what works and what doesn’t. Together we can create packaging solutions that grab the attention and tell the story that your brand deserves.

How we can help

Lightweight your packaging solutions by up to 39%

Reduce carbon emissions throughout your entire supply chain. Our packaging optimization experts show you how you can combine the best material with the best structural design to save weight without compromising performance.

Creative packaging solutions - faster

In our Rapid Design Workshops, we develop creative packaging concepts together with your own designers and managers. The workshops are supported by advanced, scientific equipment for verifying the performance of the CAD prototypes, and often result in significantly shorter development processes.

We help you improve process efficiency and deliver on time

By adding our know-how and experience to the mix, our Cartonboard Development Team acts as a dynamic catalyst that energizes and promotes cooperation between converters and brand owners. The result is more informed decision making, efficient and functional packaging solutions, and faster time to market.

Boost your team’s know-how

Sign up for our workshops and seminars about anything from the possibilities of the cartonboard material to efficient production. Other popular subjects are lightweighting and the challenges and solutions in achieving sustainable packaging optimization.

How we work

1. Brief/requirements

During the brief, we listen to your objectives and ideas for the project. This involves demands and conditions in terms of product, filling, transport and handling chain, point of sale, and target audience.

2. Structural design

The structural design phase is where we translate the information from the brief into a packaging concept. We push boundaries and look for new and functional ideas that can help create a lighter, stronger package.

3. Material assessment

Based on our materials expertise, we select the most suitable material in terms of feasibility, strength, printing properties, sustainability, cost factors, and lightweighting opportunities.

4. Prototyping & testing

We create CAM prototypes and test proposed solutions under real-life conditions. Our lab has the advanced technical equipment needed to assess a packaging solution on all relevant parameters.

5. Simulation

To ensure that the finished packaging will meet both performance demands and carbon emissions goals, samples are subjected to rigorous tests and simulations. All openings and closures are fine tuned to give the best user experience.

6. Recommendation

The test report shows the performance of the tested alternatives and explains our recommendation. You can expect a recommendation within two weeks after the briefing.

Book a five-minute call

Book a call to learn more about what our Cartonboard Development Team can do for you and your business.