Certificates and directives
Here you will find certificate documents for our implemented standards and directives related to our wood supply, procurement and sustainable forestry.
Group Directive Sustainable Forestry (Europe)
Group Directive Wood Procurement (Global)
Chain of Custody
FSC Chain of Custody / Controlled Wood (Sweden)
PEFC Chain of Custody (Sweden)
FSC Chain of Custody / Controlled Wood (Estonia)
FSC Product schedule (Estonia)
PEFC Chain of Custody (Estonia)
PEFC Product schedule (Estonia)
FSC Chain of Custody / Controlled Wood (Latvia)
PEFC Chain of Custody (Latvia)
FSC Chain of Custody / Controlled Wood (Lithuania)
PEFC Chain of Custody (Lithuania)
FSC Forest Management Group certification for small holders
PEFC Forest Management Group certification for small holders
FSC Forest Management certificate for Bergvik Skog Öst
PEFC Forest Management certificate for Bergvik Skog Öst
See also: Certificates and standards for Billeruds other operations.