Sustainable development goals
Our planet and its people face great global challenges. We at Billerud share the UN’s belief that inclusive and sustainable economic growth is essential for prosperity and that companies should contribute to positive change.

The UN Agenda 2030
Agenda 2030 is a historic global agreement signed between all the UN member states (193 countries) in 2015. It includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets which form a long term framework for businesses to work towards sustainable development. More information about the SDGs can be found at UN’s website.
At Billerud, we are convinced that we can tackle decisive global challenges. To build a brighter future for coming generations, a shift to a sustainable and bio-based society is crucial. To achieve that, society needs to favor responsible companies and products. By offering renewable material and sustainable packaging solutions to the global market, Billerud enables good choices for customers and consumers all over the world. Our ambition is to take the lead in the transition to a circular society with packaging solutions that are renewable, recyclable and climate efficient.
We see the SDGs as a framework for the future that enables us to adapt our business model and our value creation in the run-up to 2030. Starting out from our strategy and operations, we have chosen six of the SDGs and several of their targets that show where we have the greatest opportunity to make a difference, create lasting value and drive the transformation of our industry. The goals are integrated in our strategy and followed-up through the Group’s sustainability targets.
Goal 8:
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

Sustainable economic growth is essential for realizing our mission. By growing our business in a responsible way, we continue to challenge conventional packaging and contribute to a sustainable future. Our employees are our most important resource – they drive the change and innovation we seek. Billerud works daily to develop a culture in which safety plays a central role. We believe that diversity and inclusion are essential for creativity, problem solving and goal achievement. This is why we make every effort to create a safe, stimulating and equal working environment where workers’ and human rights are a priority. We also work to ensure decent working conditions in our supply chains, without child labor or different forms of forced labor. We also want more people to succeed in getting the jobs they are looking for, why we continuously offer many young people and others outside the labor market to practice with us and find their way to a good place in working life.
Targets that we contribute to: 8.5, 8.6, 8.7 and 8.8. Read more in our Annual and Sustainability Report or go to pages Safety first, Responsible supply chain and Engaging workplaces.
Goal 9:
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

The private sector plays a key role in the transformation to a sustainable society. Our ambition is to make our European production fossil-free and we are continuously upgrading our processes to make them more sustainable with clean and environmentally sound technologies. We believe that innovations are crucial for our long-term success, and we are working in close collaboration with customers and partners to develop innovative solutions that improve the use of the earth’s resources. We always scout for new sustainable materials and new technologies, and every year we investment in various research and product development projects. We are the largest private employer in four of the five communities in which the Swedish production units are located. This gives us significant indirect impact by establishing a market for local goods and services, together with basic public services, as well as encouraging investments in infrastructure.
Targets that we contribute to: 9.2, 9.4 and 9.5. Read more in our Annual and Sustainability Report or go to pages Climate impact, Materials for the future and Engaging workplaces.
Goal 12:
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

To build a brighter future for generations to come, we need to encourage behavioural change and stimulate a shift in the market towards a more sustainable direction. By offering renewable packaging solutions to the global market, we enable climate-smart choices for customers and consumers all over the world. Our responsibly sourced paper-based products keep food safe and fresh. The resource-efficient production units are constantly improved to minimise energy consumption and environmental impact. Together with our customers we reduce food and material waste, raise the level of recycling, and make sustainable production, consumption and packaging reality.
Targets that we contribute to: 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5 and 12.6. Read more in our Annual and Sustainability Report or go to pages Materials for the future, Resource-efficient production and Responsible business.
Goal 13:
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Billerud wants to play an active role in the important work to fight global warming. We work continuously to shift the market in favor of renewable packaging and to boost the transition to a sustainable and bio-based society. From a climate perspective, our paper-based packaging, produced with approximately 97% bioenergy as fuel, is superior to other materials, such as plastic, metal and glass. We work relentlessly to reduce our own climate impact, and we cooperate with other organisations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to close material loops.
Target that we contribute to: 13.1. Read more in our Annual and Sustainability Report or go to page Climate impact.
Goal 14:
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources

Water is essential to life on earth, as well as to our business. Our mills are located close to major watercourses, and we reuse water up to 50 times in our processes before it is purified and returned to the watercourse. We do not use ground water in our operations. In addition to our own efforts to conserve water, we partner with organisations to contribute to increased knowledge about the impact of plastic on our seas. Using biodegradable materials is a crucial piece of the puzzle to prevent plastic pollution.
Target that we contribute to: 14.1. Read more in our Annual and Sustainability Report or go to page Partnerships and community engagement.
Goal 15:
Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

Forests are the foundation for our products and the starting point for our value chain. They provide us with the renewable material we need to continue to create products that both combat climate change and contribute to a sustainable society. Biodiversity is one of the preconditions for sustainable forestry, and we ensure that the wood we use is responsibly grown and that wildlife in the forests is being protected. Active and responsible forestry has a considerable climate benefit and is of great value for local society. We are dedicated to treating forests and water responsibly, and to protect ecosystems and biodiversity.
Target that we contribute to: 15.2 and 15.5. Read more in our Annual and Sustainability Report or go to Sustainable wood supply.