Resource efficient production
Stable production and using resources effectively are two of the most important factors in minimizing emissions to air and water from our mills. At the same time, we are working to phase out fossil fuels, increase our energy efficiency, and minimize our water usage and impact on water quality.

We have already come a long way with phasing out fossil fuels in production. Our efforts to minimize the negative environmental impact are based on systematic work for constant improvements and investments in new technologies, with the goal to run efficient operations with consideration for the surrounding environment and the local community. We have reached a 98% fossil-free production in Region Europe and are working to minimize the usage of fossil fuel in Region North America, which currently is 72% fossil-free.
Billerud’s production is energy intensive. Most of the energy consumed is generated in the pulp process, where large amounts of waste heat are released. This excess heat is mainly used directly in production, but also provides local communities with district heating. In Europe, all electricity that is produced internally or purchased is covered by Guarantees of Origin (GoOs), and in the US we purchased Emission-Free Energy Certificates (EFECs) corresponding to 60% of the total purchased volume in 2023.
We work continuously to increase the overall energy efficiency of our facilities and to find new ways to further increase the amount of energy produced from renewable resources.
We are committed to minimizing the impact of our water use and our impact on water quality. Surface water is mainly withdrawn for our production processes and returned to waterways. There is no significant water consumption in the pulp and paper manufacturing process. Water is reused several times throughout the process before going back to the effluent.
New targets submitted, to be validated in June.
Reuse and waste
Billerud strives to use raw materials in the most efficient way possible. For example, most of our energy comes from the fiber residues in our manufacturing process, whereby the cellulose fibers in the digester process are extracted using cooking liquor containing inactive chemicals as well as fiber residues. When incinerating the concentrated cooking liquor in the recovery boiler we recover and reuse the chemicals as well. In the production process, the significant material flow of waste and waste recovery can be described as follows:
- Bark from wood logs is used in solid biofuel boilers for energy production.
- In the recovery process the cooking chemicals are recycled and energy is recovered from wood residues.
- Turpentine is a by-product from the pulping process, and we supply it to other industries.
- Soap is another by-product that can be traded to an external manufacturer or processed into crude tall oil within the mills. Crude tall oil can be used as an energy source internally or traded to biorefineries that, for example, produce renewable fuels and biobased chemicals.
- Paper and paperboard material waste is dissolved and returned to the production process. The paper and paperboard production also provides residues from coating chemicals that can be used as cover material for landfills after external processing.
- Fiber and bio sludges are separated from the wastewater and are either incinerated for energy recovery or used for soil improvement.
Our production units hold many ISO certifications and work is currently underway to also certify several mills which are not yet certified within certain areas.
Certificates at Billerud 2023 | ISO 9001 | ISO 14001 | ISO 50001 |
Escanaba | x | x | x |
Frövi | x | x | x |
Gruvön | x | x | x |
Gävle | x | x | x |
Karlsborg | x | x | x |
Skärblacka | x | x | x |
Pietarsaari | x | x | |
Quinnesec | x | ||
Wisconsin Rapids | |||
Wood Supply, Europe | x | x |
Consumer information regarding sustainable biofuels
During 2023 Billerud has used the following biofuels as a part of its heat and power production:
- Forestry biomass residues (Sweden, internally produced)
- Raw Methanol (Sweden, internally produced)
- Tall oil pitch (country of origin: Sweden, Finland, France, USA)
- MFA (country of origin: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czechia, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Malysia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, South Africa, Turkey, UK and USA)
- Resin acid (country of origin: USA)
- Biogas (concentrated non condensable gases, country of origin: Sweden)
- Other fluid fuels (country of origin: Sweden)
- Rapeseed (country of origin: Austria, France, Germany and Netherlands)
- Other waste product (country of origin: Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden)
The biofuels are produced from industrial residues or forestry biomass waste.