From paper calculators and stock information to sales policy details and our claims management process, we have the information you need to make it easy to do business with us. Of course, if you need personal assistance, our customer service representatives are only a phone call away.
Customer resources
Paper calculator tool
Quick and easy tools for calculating paper weight, linear footage, MSI/MSF, PPI and more.
Product regulatory profile sheet
Our Product Regulatory Profile Sheet highlights some of the more commonly asked questions about our products. Customers who need additional information should contact their Billerud account manager or
Find a merchant
Please call 800-258-8852 to find an authorized merchant near you.
EX inkjet roll service
Learn more about our intended-for-inkjet rolls of our most popular web items.
PressDate® service
Learn more about our quick-turn custom cut sheets for Productolith® Pts. and Sterling® Ultra.
Grand Format PressDate® service
Learn more about our grand format sheet program for litho lamination and single face lamination.
Cartonboard sales policy – North America
The Cartonboard Core Offer document provides information relating to the purchase of Cartonboard reel and sheet products from BNA.
Easy Claim Transit damage claim form
Quick electronic filing of your transit damage claims.
Policy documents and claims information
Policy and claims information for doing business with us.
Material vendor certification form
We conduct a thorough review of all raw materials and processing aids prior to their use at a mill or our technical center. In order to facilitate this review, a New Material Vendor Certification Form is used in conjunction with the material’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS). This review process is another way of demonstrating our commitment to worker safety, product safety and environmental compliance.
SDS – cellulose pulp; cellulose fiber
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are an important component of product stewardship. Please view our Safety Data Sheets below and email if you have any questions.
SDS – paper products
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are an important component of product stewardship. Please view our Safety Data Sheets below and email if you have any questions.