Code of conduct

Billerud's Code of Conduct provides a common base of reference for how we shall behave towards one another and our stakeholders.

Our Code of Conduct brings together our values, attitudes and guidelines for our behavior and actions, both as individuals and as a company. The purpose with the Code of Conduct is to establish what the Group stands for and where representatives can find additional information.

The Code of Conduct is guided by our values  Place our customer in the center, Dare to innovate, Lead the change and Care for each other. Through the Code, individuals are provided with clear expectations and guidance in the daily work within key areas such as safety, responsible business, inclusion and human rights.

Our Code of Conduct is largely based on international standards that Billerud has committed to, such as the UN Global Compact and its ten principles. The Code constitutes the highest level of the Group´s framework for steering documents and is the starting point for our policies and rules for conduct.

We encourage all persons to report known or suspected serious wrongdoings under the Code of Conduct and/or related Group Policies. Reports can be made anonymously through Billerud's Speak-Up Line.

Billerud's Board of Directors approves the Code of Conduct. The current version is valid from 15 March 2021.

For responsible purchasing, we apply Billeruds Supplier Code of Conduct.

You can download the Code of Conduct here


See also

Human rights

With our commitment to the UN Global Compact and the related declarations and conventions, we undertake to follow the ethical guidelines.

Billerud Modern Slavery Statement

Billerud is committed to prevent any form of modern slavery. Read more

Speak-Up Line

In situations where it is not possible to be open with the identity, Billerud has a confidential reporting system. Read more