Meet Viktor - one of our holiday replacements
Thinking in new ways is one of the cornerstones of success at Billerud. During the summer, we employ about 400 holiday replacement staff. This provides a wide variety of new ideas and perspectives. During the summer, we will highlight some of their impressions of the company here on the intranet. Now let’s talk to Viktor from Karlsborg.

Viktor Wästersved Nyberg, 28, is an engineering student who is currently working as a temporary member of staff at BillerudKorsnäs in Karlsborg. He works at PackLab, where he develops new packaging ideas and concepts for the packaging paper business area.
Why did you apply for a summer job at BillerudKorsnäs?
A fellow student of mine worked here last summer, in the same position that I now have, i.e. packaging developer, and I was quite envious of her. I hadn’t realised it was possible to work with the things that she was working with as a summer replacement, it felt too luxurious. So I thought, that’s the job I have to have!
What are you working with here?
I work as a packaging developer at packaging paper. I am currently developing a packaging solution using a material that is commonly called cardboard but which is actually called corrugated board. It is apparently strictly forbidden to call it just cardboard, and I have learned that the hard way.
Could you tell us about a typical day at work?
I often sit and think about smart solutions for the packaging I am developing, based on the research I have done in this area. So I sketch, develop drawings, build prototypes and test my ideas, while crossing my fingers and hoping everything will work as I have envisaged.
We place great value on new perspectives. During your time here, have you thought of anything that we could do better?
Despite being brainwashed to think in a sustainable way, by which I mean brainwashed in a positive sense, it is surprising that people still use paper cups for their coffee even when porcelain mugs are available. Sustainability extremism? Maybe, maybe not.
What do you do when you are not working here?
I am very interested in MMA, and martial arts in general, so I watch a lot of such bouts and read about what is happening in the world of MMA. I tried MMA myself once but did not feel I had the “killer instinct” to succeed, so I prefer to stay on the sidelines there. I have just started with Crossfit and hope that will be a new interest of mine in which I can actively participate.