4 Oct 2018, 15:11 CET

BillerudKorsnäs material honored as “Carton of the Year” and “Save the Planet” at the Carton Excellence Award 2018

“Specatular” is the word the ProCarton ECMA Award jury used to express their fascination with the Carton of the Year winner. It is a 6-pack of Mini Moët bottles, designed by Van Genechten Packaging Angoulème using BillerudKorsnäs cartonboard. BillerudKorsnäs cartonboard material was also awarded in the “Save the Planet” category.

Carton of the Year

The Mini Moët pack from Moët & Chandon contains six small bottles of Moët Imperial along with six small, golden flutes. A complete kit for sharing a pleasant moment with friends. A highly functional pack, it keeps the bottles well protected in the handling chain. When opened, the inlay can easily be taken out and the whole box can be turned into an ice bucket. The pack is a multi-function concept, covering the needs in terms of transport, brand promotion, storage, and – filled with ice cubes – serving.

This was a unanimous decision the moment we opened the box. The tear strip works well and neatly but it was that jaw dropping moment when we lifted the lid that stole the show. It was like opening a box of treasure, the way the products were presented and the way the internal carton was structured to hold several small bottles of champagne and their respective drinking vessels. In the past, some of the winners have been relatively simple carton constructions, yet the winner here is more complex and all the better for it. Spectacular!
The jury's comment


Official name of entry: 6 Mini Moët pack
Entrant: Carton Producer: Van Genechten Packaging Angoulème
Brand Owner: Moët & Chandon
Structural Designer: Van Genechten Packaging Angoulème
Cartonboard Manufacturer: BillerudKorsnäs
Material used: BillerudKorsnäs White 290


Save the Planet

BillerudKorsnäs cartonboard material was also awarded in the “Save the Planet” category. The winning entry from brand owner Sealpac was called FlatSkin, a carton + plastic compound for retail food packaging. The packaging solution, designed by Van Genechten Packaging, uses 75% less plastic compared to a conventional tray or shrink packaging, and the two materials are easily split for recycling.

When you consider the mountains of plastic and styrofoam currently used in the packaging of meat products throughout Europe and how much of that material is being avoided through this innovation, then this really is a worthy winner that is helping to ‘save the planet’.
The jury's comment


Official name of entry: FlatSkin®
Entrant: Van Genechten Packaging
Carton Producer: Van Genechten Packaging Kempten
Brand Owner: Sealpac
Structural Designer: Sealpac | Van Genechten Packaging
Cartonboard Manufacturer: BillerudKorsnäs
Material used: BillerudKorsnäs Carry 425

About Pro Carton

Pro Carton is the European Association of Carton and Cartonboard manufacturers. Its main purpose is to promote the use of cartons and cartonboard to brand owners, the trade as well as designers, the media and politicians as an economically and ecologically balanced packaging medium. Established over 20 years ago, the Carton Excellence Award is Europe’s most prestigious award for cartonboard packaging. Read more.