Interim report January-March 2007
Quarter Full year
2007 2006 2006
I IV I 2006
Net turnover, 1 932 1 867 1 785 7 369
Operating 177 176 64 552
Operating 9 9 4 7
margin, %
Profit/loss 151 150 43 457
items, MSEK
Net profit/
loss, MSEK 107 90 32 312
Earnings per 2.08 1.75 0.63 6.08
share, SEK
January-March 2007 compared with January-March 2006
· Net turnover was MSEK 1,932 (1,785), a rise of 8%.
· Net profit was MSEK 107 (32).
· Earnings per share were SEK 2.08 (0.63).
· The market situation and demand remained good.
· Operating profit increased by 177% to reach MSEK 177 (64).
· The operating margin was 9% (4%), an increase of 5 percentage points
compared with last year mainly due to improved prices.
Outlook for 2007
· The market is expected to remain good for the rest of the year with
opportunities for further price rises in local currencies.
· The cost of wood supplies in the first quarter 2007 was MSEK 46
higher than in the final quarter of 2006 and is expected to remain high
throughout the year.
· The cost-savings programme is proceeding according to plan and
producing positive effects.
For further information in connection with this report, please contact:
Per Lindberg, President and CEO, +46 8 553 335 00 or +46 70 248 15 17
and Bertil Carlsén, CFO, +46 8 553 335 00 or +46 730 211 092
Billerud’s PresidentPer Lindbergand CFO Bertil Carlsén will present the
interim report live at a press conference on 4 May at 10 a.m. Location:
Spårvagnshallarna, Birger Jarlsgatan 57 A, Stockholm.