First packaging design competition at Berghs School of Communication now settled
Billerud has initiated a long-term collaboration with Berghs School of Communication. The purpose is both to contribute knowledge about packaging development based on renewable materials, as well as to be inspired by outstanding students who will probably influence the packaging of the future.
In October, some 50 students in graphic design, production and project management participated in the first Sustainable Packaging Innovation & Communication Event 2010 (SPICE:10). The challenge was to develop a brand new packaging concept for LEAF, one of Europe's leading confectionery and chewing gum manufacturers. Within the framework of the assignment, students named, packaged and marketed a new type of chewing gum to a defined young, urban, trend-conscious target group. Delivery included both commercials and prototypes.
- “Getting some of Europe’s best students in design and communication to work closely with packaging as a marketing weapon is extremely interesting. Since they themselves are the target of many of the products, participation will be even more exciting,” says Jon Haag, CEO of Nine Total Packaging Partner.
The winners behind the package Chewho was awarded the SPICE Scholarship, consisting of a weekend trip to one of Europe's most exciting design cities. Jury members included representatives from Billerud, LEAF and Berghs.