Policies and guidelines
Billerud will lead the development in primary fiber-based packaging materials with the overall objective of generating profitable growth. This Operational policy describes how Billerud conducts itself responsibly in relation to the surrounding world, It provides support for all employees within the company and also entails a commitment on their part.
- Our customer represents the basis of the company’s existence. By living up to our customers’ expectations we generate value together.
- Through continuous improvements, we strive to be a sustainable company in terms of finance, the environment, the energy and social considerations.
- The workplace environment, external environment, energy, quality and food safety are afforded the highest priority in our operations.
- How we relate to one another and the surrounding world shall embody our values: Place our costumer in the center, Dare to innovate, Lead the change and Care for each other.
Billerud maintains a holistic view of its operations to its business, meaning that we strive to:
- Be aware that everything we do affects external perceptions of the company.
- External expectations concern our products, services, skill and behaviour locally and globally. Suppliers and partners are chosen based on the same grounds.
- Maintain leadership that generates commitment and involvement among everyone in the operations. Employees’ expertise is nurtured and developed in a learning organisation that safeguards employee´s health, safety and job satisfaction.
- Consider all operations from an lifecycle perspective, from raw material to finished product so that environmental impact can be minimised at all stages. Choices of resources and technology shall take environmental and energy considerations into account, enabling sustainability in operations. The legal and official requirements are viewed as a minimum undertakings.
- Impose rigourous requirements on energy efficiency and to continuously enhance efficiency in how energy is used throughout our operations. We promote the use of bioenergy and have the long-term objective of doing away entirely with fossil fuels at our production facilities.
- Care about the success of the entire company in both the short and long terms. We shall work in a goal-oriented, systematic and preventive manner and make decisions based on solid facts. Overarching and detailed targets are followed up regularly - at least once a year.
Download and read
- Code of Conduct
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- Billerud Modern Slavery Act Statement FY2023
- Group Governance Policy
- Group Responsible Business Policy
- Group Sustainability Policy
- Group Directive Energy
- Group Directive Environment
- Group Health and Safety Policy
- OHS Directive
- Group Directive Food and Product Safety
- Group People Policy
- Group Directive People Review
- Group Communication, Branding and Information Policy
- Group Operations, Quality and Procurement Policy
- Group Directive Procurement
- Group Directive Anti-Corruption
- Group Finance Policy
- Tax Directive