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Can paper carrier bags take the weight? No sweat
The environmental benefits of using single-use plastic bags are being questioned all over Europe and the world. But can paper carrier bags replace them and take the weight of heavy objects like books and cartons of juice? We put our new Kraft paper Billerud Xpression Tough to an … unusual test.
Of course, no one would think of replacing training equipment with paper carrier bags filled with heavy objects like books and cartons of juice. But it is possible. To put our new super-strong and tensile-resistant Kraft paper Xpression Tough to the test, we did just that – as you can see above.

A fun prank, but we are on a serious mission and use the movie to catch your eye.
The single fact that 8 billion single-use plastic bags end up as litter in Europe speaks its clear language. Many countries are pushing for less consumption of plastic, or banning single-use plastic altogether. There is also a trend towards a more sustainable lifestyle among the general public.
It is widely known that paper is a proven – biodegradable and renewable – sustainable alternative to plastic. But there are also doubts about its ability to replace thick paper bags when carrying heavy objects.
That’s why we are so proud of presenting our strongest paper ever. Now we can supply a material that can be converted into carrier bags, which depending on size, are guaranteed to hold at least 11 kg, but are tested for 17 kg and above.

To be honest, you have to use a lot of books to begin testing a carrier bag made of Xpression Tough. You would probably give up before the bag.
But we invite you to try. Xpression Tough is up to the challenge.