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Lieferando-Food contact packaging without compromise
Quality, care and attention-to-detail are major factors when delivering fresh produce directly into the hands of consumers, making the role of packaging for direct food contact more important than ever. Quality fresh produce deserves quality material without compromise.
In most countries, the regulations state that packaging must not contaminate food with hazardous substances that could potentially endanger human health OR influence the sensitive organoleptic properties (mainly smell and taste) of the food. However, some foods are more sensitive than others. If fatty foods are exposed to high temperatures, special attention must be taken to reduce the risk of migration of contaminants from the packaging material.
Lieferando, a fast-growing online supplier of home-delivery food such as pizza, pasta and sushi chose 100% primary fibre paper from Billerud for their delivery boxes – the purity of the material guaranteeing product safety for their customers. High customer satisfaction is key and without compromise. The boxes are produced by the Schiettinger Group in Auerswalde together with MB Karton Ernst Behrend in Berlin, Germany.

Billerud recommends the use of 100% primary fibre-based liners and fluting for food contact applications.
We are a strong believer in the supremacy of primary fibres – demand is constantly growing. We take responsibility for sustainable solutions in the value chain reducing the packaging weight and thus waste. Billerud is a natural partner for us as they are at the forefront of high-quality materials for smarter packaging solutions.” Bernhard Schinner, Production Plant Manager, at Schiettinge
“We want to challenge the market with modern technology and high customer satisfaction so we look for smarter packaging that boosts our brand and protects high-quality pizzas in the best possible way.” Kai Hansen, owner of Lieferando