Hello Angelica Sroka!
Thinking in new ways is one of the cornerstones of success at BillerudKorsnäs. During the summer, we employ about 400 holiday replacement staff. This provides a wide variety of new ideas and perspectives. During the summer, we will highlight some of their impressions of the company here on the intranet. First up is Angelica from Karlsborg.

Angelica Sroka, 23, is an engineering student in Technical Design who is currently a temporary member of staff at the BillerudKorsnäs production plant in Karlsborg. She works in a lab, where she measures and monitors the results of test samples from production.
Hello Angelica! So, why did you apply for a summer job at BillerudKorsnäs?
During the spring I did a project at the Luleå University of Technology. The project was here at BillerudKorsnäs, and we conducted a risk analysis of the maintenance work, in order to draw up proposed improvement measures. That’s how I got in touch with the company, and it resulted in me working here this summer. It is great for me, as a production engineering student, to be able to get an insight into how production works in reality, as this provides a lot of interesting information about a possible future career.
What are you working with here?
I am working as a laboratory technician at the process/environment lab.
Could you tell us about a typical day at work?
In production there is a wide range of various meters, which continuously take automatic samples to measure the production process. But it has to be checked whether the meters are really measuring correctly, which is where me and my colleagues come in. We check the meters every day and compare the test results of the meters with our own manual samples, to check that the results match each other. The test samples are made either in the lab or using our own meters, which are used at the sampling location.
We place great value on new perspectives. During your time here, have you thought of anything that we could do better?
One thing I think the organisation could improve is the introduction provided for people working here during the summer, i.e. when they start at the company. If you come to a new workplace as a summer replacement and receive a comprehensive welcome, there is a greater chance that you will continue working there and also recommend the company to others. You should feel proud about and welcome at your job, as this promotes a feeling of belonging and increases the desire to perform the summer job in the best possible way.
What do you do when you are not working here?
I am currently studying for a Master of Science in Technical Design, with a focus on production design, and will begin my final year after the summer. The course teaches students how to make production processes more efficient and how to give the staff an as good a working environment as possible in terms of ergonomics and safety